High Nostril Piercing 2024: A Comprehensive Guide

high nostril piercing image

Curious about high nostril piercings but unsure where to start?

It’s a common issue. After all, it’s a unique piercing that requires careful thought and planning. Get it wrong, and it’s not just about the appearance; it can lead to discomfort and even complications.

As a seasoned professional piercer, I understand these concerns and I’m here to guide you through. That’s why I’ve put together this comprehensive guide on “High Nostril Piercing”.

We’ll go through the key considerations, the process, healing time, potential complications, and how to avoid them.

With my extensive piercing experience, I’ll provide reliable, practical advice every step of the way.

Ready to get the perfect high nostril piercing?

Let’s dive in!

Shop: Double Hoop Nose Ring

Key Takeaways

  • High nostril piercing involves puncturing the higher area of the nostril, closer to the bridge of the nose. It’s a more unique placement compared to standard nostril piercings.
  • High nostril piercings can be slightly more painful than standard nostril piercings due to the thicker cartilage. Healing usually takes 3 to 6 months with proper aftercare.
  • Proper cleaning and care are essential for a successful healing process. Clean the piercing with a saline solution and avoid touching it with dirty hands.
  • Always discuss any known allergies with your piercer. Jewelry should be made of hypoallergenic materials, such as titanium or gold, to minimize the risk of an allergic reaction.
  • Initially, a straight or curved barbell is often used for a new high nostril piercing. Once healed, you can experiment with different styles, such as studs or hoops.
  • High nostril piercings can potentially interfere with glasses. If you wear glasses, it’s important to discuss this with your piercer to determine the best piercing placement.
  • High nostril piercing is an expressive and unique form of body modification that allows you to showcase your individuality. It’s a great option for those who desire a piercing that stands out from the crowd.

What is a high Nostril Piercing?

High nostril piercing is a unique type of nose piercing that has recently grown in popularity. Unlike traditional nose piercings, which are placed on the lower, thinner section of the nostril, high nostril piercings are located closer to the bone structure, near the bridge of the nose. This position provides a unique look that sets it apart from other facial piercings.

Placement and procedure

The exact placement of a high nostril piercing will depend on the individual’s nose shape, size, and personal preference. An experienced piercer will examine your nose, mark the ideal spot with a sterile pen, and ensure your approval before proceeding. The process of piercing is typically performed with a straight or curved needle, depending on the piercer’s preference and the anatomy of your nose. It’s usually a quick procedure, but it requires a skilled professional to ensure correct placement and minimize risks.

Read here: Perfect Nose Piercing Placement

Uniqueness: How it differs from regular nose piercings

High nostril piercings are unique because of their unconventional placement. They’re quite noticeable, as they sit higher up on the nostril than traditional nostril piercings. This gives them a bold, unique look that can be an expressive addition to your facial jewelry.

Single vs Double High Nostril Piercing

Double high nostril piercing
Double high nostril piercing

Single-side high nostril piercing

A single high nostril piercing is a unique way to express your personal style. Located higher on the nostril than standard piercings, this single piercing can add a subtle yet eye-catching element to your look. Whether you prefer a small, delicate stud or a more elaborate piece of jewelry, a single high nostril piercing can enhance your facial features and draw attention to your eyes.

Double high nostril piercing

For those who prefer symmetry or want to make a bolder statement, double high nostril piercings might be a perfect choice. This style involves getting a high nostril piercing on each side of the nose. This balanced look can add an extra level of uniqueness and edge to your aesthetic. Double high nostril piercings are not as common as single piercings, making them an excellent option for those who like to stand out from the crowd.

Pros and Cons of High Nostril Piercing

What is a high Nostril Piercing

Unique and bold looks: A pro to the high nostril piercing

One of the most compelling reasons to consider a high nostril piercing is the distinctive style it offers. High nostril piercings provide a modern twist on traditional nostril piercings, giving you a unique way to express your personal style. They can add an edgy, contemporary touch to your look, helping you stand out in a crowd.

Restrictions on jewelry and difficulties finding a skilled artist: The cons

On the downside, high nostril piercings can present certain challenges. Due to their high placement, they offer limited jewelry options compared to lower nostril piercings. Smaller studs and rings are usually more suitable, and larger pieces can sometimes appear awkward or uncomfortable. Moreover, because this piercing is more complex than a standard nostril piercing, it can be more difficult to find a piercer experienced in this particular placement.

High Nostril Piercing: The Financial and Physical Considerations

How much does a high nostril piercing cost?

The cost of a high nostril piercing varies depending on several factors, including the studio’s location, the piercer’s experience, and the jewelry you choose. Typically, you can expect to pay between $40 to $80, although prices can go higher for high-end studios or if you opt for premium jewelry. It’s essential to remember that, while cost is a factor, it shouldn’t be the deciding one. Always prioritize the piercer’s skill and the studio’s hygiene standards over price.

Pain scale: How painful is a high nostril piercing?

Pain is a subjective experience, and each person’s pain tolerance is different. That said, high nostril piercings tend to be a bit more painful than regular nostril piercings. This is due to the piercing location being closer to the nose’s cartilage. Some people describe the sensation as a quick, intense pinch followed by a dull ache. Your piercer may use a topical anesthetic to numb the area before the procedure, which can help reduce discomfort.

The Healing Process of High Nostril Piercing

The typical timeline of healing

The healing time for a high nostril piercing varies. Things like your health, skin type, and how you care for it matter. Generally, your piercing should heal in 2 to 4 months. During this time, good aftercare is key. It helps avoid infection and supports healing.

Aftercare tips to avoid infection and promote a speedy recovery

Proper aftercare is essential for the healing of your high nostril piercing. Here are some tips to help your piercing heal well:

  • Clean the piercing regularly with a saline solution. This can usually be bought from the piercing studio or a pharmacy.
  • Avoid touching the piercing with unwashed hands to minimize the risk of infection.
  • Keep makeup and skincare products away from the piercing area.
  • Do not change or remove the jewelry until the piercing has completely healed.
  • Consult your piercer or a medical professional if you notice any signs of infection, such as severe pain, pus, or excessive swelling.

High Nostril Piercing vs Regular Nostril Piercing

High nostril piercings and regular ones are similar but also different. The main difference is where they are placed. Regular ones are closer to the nostril’s rim. High nostril piercings are near the nose’s bridge.

Regular nostril piercings are more common. But high nostril piercings are becoming more popular. They are a choice for those who want a unique look.

High nostril piercings might hurt more because the cartilage is thicker. But both types take about the same time to heal. That’s usually 2 to 4 months.

High Nostril Piercing: Gauge Guide

Recommended gauge for high nostril piercing

When it comes to the gauge, or thickness, of the piercing needle, most piercers recommend an 18 or 16-gauge for high nostril piercings. These gauges are thin enough to minimize discomfort during the procedure but large enough to accommodate a variety of jewelry styles. However, the best gauge for you can also depend on the specific jewelry you want to wear and your personal comfort.

Expert advice: Listening to your piercer

Your piercer is your guide throughout the piercing process. They can provide personalized advice based on their expertise and knowledge of your individual anatomy and preferences. It’s essential to listen to their recommendations regarding gauge, jewelry selection, aftercare, and more.

Double High Nostril Piercing and Glasses: Compatibility

Challenges and solutions for wearing glasses with high nostril piercings

If you wear glasses, you may be concerned about potential complications with a high nostril piercing. Depending on the exact location of the piercing and the style of your glasses, the frames might interfere with your new piercing, especially during the healing process. To avoid issues, discuss your concerns with your piercer prior to getting pierced. They can adjust the piercing placement to better accommodate your glasses.

Dealing with High Nostril Piercing Swelling

Understanding normal swelling after the procedure

Swelling is a normal response to any type of body modification, including high nostril piercings. After your piercing, you can expect some degree of swelling, which usually peaks within the first 48 hours. Over the next few days, the swelling should gradually decrease.

Tips for managing and reducing swelling

Swelling can be uncomfortable, but there are ways to manage it. Applying a cold compress to the area (always over a clean cloth, never directly onto the piercing) can provide relief. Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication can also help reduce swelling but always consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new medication.

Jewelry Selection for Fresh High Nostril Piercing

Appropriate jewelry for new piercings

Initially, a straight or curved barbell is often used for new high nostril piercings. This type of jewelry is less likely to move around, allowing the piercing to heal properly. The length of the barbell will be slightly longer to accommodate swelling.

Suggestions for stylish and comfortable choices

Once your piercing has healed, you can experiment with different styles of jewelry. Small studs, hoops, and curved barbells can all look fantastic in a high nostril piercing. Remember, the jewelry must be made from a hypoallergenic material to minimize the risk of allergic reactions and irritation.

Showcasing High Nostril Piercing Jewelry

Jewelry to wear with high nostril piercing

Choosing the best studs and chains for high nostril piercings

When it comes to selecting jewelry for your high nostril piercing, you have plenty of options. Studs are a classic choice, offering a subtle, minimalist aesthetic. Chains, on the other hand, can give a more dramatic and unique look.

Pros and cons of popular jewelry types

Each type of jewelry has its pros and cons. Studs are comfortable for daily wear and less likely to get caught on clothing or bedding. Chains, while visually striking, may not be practical for everyday use. They are more likely to get caught or tangled, which could lead to irritation or even tearing.

Choosing the Best Metals for High Nostril Piercings

A simple guide to titanium, gold, and stainless steel for piercings

Picking the right material for your piercing jewelry is key to avoiding allergies and helping to heal. Let’s look at some popular choices:


This safe material is great for body jewelry. It’s hypoallergenic, doesn’t rust, is light, strong, and comes in many colors.


Gold is also hypoallergenic and good for body jewelry. Pick solid gold, not gold-plated, to avoid allergies from the base metal.

Stainless steel:

Cheaper than titanium or gold, stainless steel may have some nickel. If you’re allergic to nickel, pick a different material.

Pros and cons of each material

Each material has its pros and cons. Titanium is hypoallergenic and durable, but it’s also the most expensive option. Gold offers a luxurious aesthetic, but solid gold pieces can also be pricey. Surgical stainless steel is more budget-friendly, but the potential for a nickel allergy makes it a less suitable option for some people.

High Nostril Piercing and Allergies: What You Need to Know

Managing allergies during high nostril piercing

If you have allergies, especially to certain metals, it’s vital to discuss this with your piercer before the procedure. Choosing hypoallergenic jewelry, like titanium or gold, can help you avoid an allergic reaction.

Selecting allergy-safe materials

Ensure that the material of your jewelry is safe for you. If you’re unsure whether you’re allergic to any metals, you can get tested by an allergist. Opting for high-quality, hypoallergenic materials is a good precautionary measure, even if you don’t have known allergies.

Aftercare for High Nostril Piercing: A Comprehensive Guide

Essential tips for maintaining hygiene and preventing complications

Following proper hygiene practices is key to ensuring that your high nostril piercing heals correctly and without complications. Here are some essential tips:


Keep the piercing area clean and dry. Use a saline solution to cleanse the area at least twice a day. Avoid using alcohol or hydrogen peroxide, as they can delay the healing process.


Stay away from pools, hot tubs, and bodies of water while your piercing is healing, as they can introduce bacteria to the area. Also, avoid touching your piercing with dirty hands.


Eating a healthy diet can promote healing. Foods rich in vitamin C and zinc can aid in skin repair.

Instructions on cleaning high nostril piercing

Here’s a simple routine to clean your high nostril piercing:

  • Wash your hands thoroughly.
  • Soak a cotton ball in a saline solution.
  • Gently press the cotton ball against your piercing, allowing the solution to soak in.
  • Gently rotate the jewelry to ensure the solution reaches inside the piercing.
  • Pat the area dry with a clean paper towel.



How painful is a high nostril piercing?

A high nostril piercing might hurt more than a standard one. This is due to the area’s thicker cartilage. But remember, pain varies from person to person. Some might find it slightly uncomfortable, while others might feel a sharper pain.

What is considered high nostril?

A high nostril piercing is not your typical nose piercing. It is placed higher on the nostril, near the nose’s bridge. It’s a unique spot for a piercing that offers a distinctive look.

What is the difference between a high nostril and a nostril piercing?

The main difference lies in the placement. A standard nostril piercing is lower and on the nostril’s curved part. A high nostril piercing is placed closer to the nose’s bridge, in the area with thicker cartilage. The high nostril piercing is also more unique and less common.

Can a nose piercing be too high for a ring?

Yes, a high nostril piercing could be too high for some types of rings, mainly due to its unique placement. That’s why it’s essential to discuss jewelry options with your piercer to ensure a good fit for the type of jewelry you desire.

What if my piercing is too high?

If your piercing is too high and causing discomfort or doesn’t suit your desired jewelry, speak with a professional piercer. They can provide advice on possible solutions, which may include letting the piercing heal and close and then piercing it in a better spot.

Are high nostril piercings hard to heal?

Healing a high nostril piercing isn’t necessarily harder, but it often takes more time due to the thicker cartilage in the area. With proper care, including regular cleaning and a good diet, you can aid the healing process. Always follow the aftercare instructions given by your piercer.

What type of jewelry is best for a fresh high nostril piercing?

Most piercers recommend a straight or curved barbell for a new high-nostril piercing. These pieces limit movement and are less likely to cause irritation or discomfort during the healing process.

Is a high nostril piercing more painful than a standard nostril piercing?

Pain is subjective, but many people find high nostril piercings slightly more uncomfortable due to the thicker cartilage in this part of the nose. It’s typically a quick procedure, though, so any pain should be brief.

Can I wear glasses with a high nostril piercing?

Yes, but you may need to take certain precautions. Discuss this with your piercer before getting pierced. They can adjust the placement of your piercing to better accommodate your glasses.

What should I do if my high nostril piercing is swelling or appears infected?

Some swelling is normal after getting a piercing. However, if you notice excessive swelling, pain, redness, or discharge, it may be infected. In this case, you should reach out to your piercer or a healthcare provider immediately.

Final thoughts on high nostril piercing

High nostril piercing is a unique and expressive form of body modification. While it does come with its challenges, such as a somewhat more painful procedure, potential complications with glasses, and limited jewelry options, its distinct aesthetic can make it a worthwhile endeavor for those seeking a piercing that stands out from the crowd. As with any piercing, careful consideration of the pros and cons, coupled with good aftercare practices, can result in a satisfying and stylish addition to your personal aesthetic.

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