Rhino Piercings Explained: The Journey from Pain to Healing, Cost, and Jewelry Selection

Rhino Piercing

You’ve probably seen a variety of unique and eye-catching piercings, and among them, the rhino piercing stands out as a distinct choice.

But you’re on the fence, right?

Worried about how painful it might be, how much it could cost, and if it’s worth it in the end.

Maybe you’ve heard some horror stories about piercing complications, and you’re wondering, “Could that happen to me?”

Well, the uncertainty ends here. This is your one-stop guide to everything about rhino piercings. From understanding what a rhino piercing really is, to unraveling the mystery of the pain, the cost, and the aftercare process.

Do you wonder about the jewelry types or the possible variations? We’ll explore those too. And yes, we’ll dive into the potential complications and the pros and cons, giving you a complete picture of what you’re getting into.

This comprehensive guide is crafted to alleviate your concerns, answer your questions, and guide you step-by-step through the journey of getting a rhino piercing. It’s time to be informed and make a confident choice.

Are you ready?

Let’s dive in.

Key Takeaways

  • Location: Rhino Piercing is done vertically through the tip of the nose.
  • Pain Level: The pain experienced during a Rhino Piercing is usually moderate to high, as it goes through a denser area of the nose.
  • Healing Time: Rhino Piercings generally take around 6 to 9 months to heal fully.
  • Jewelry: The most common piece of jewelry for Rhino Piercings is the curved barbell.
  • Aftercare: Strict aftercare routines, including regular cleaning and avoiding unnecessary touching, are vital to prevent infections.
  • Personal Preference: The choice of getting Rhino Piercing is generally based on personal preference and aesthetics, rather than any cultural or symbolic meanings.

What Are Rhino Piercings?

Rhino piercings, also known as vertical tip piercings, are a unique style of nose piercing. It’s named for its striking resemblance to the horn of a rhinoceros. The piercing starts at the tip of the nose and exits through the space between your nostrils, giving you a dramatic, standout appearance.

The Procedure for Rhino Piercings

The process of getting a rhino piercing includes two main steps: preparing the piercing studio and the actual piercing process.

The Piercing Studio

Before the piercing process begins, the studio and equipment must be clean and sterile. This cleanliness is crucial to avoid infection.

The Rhino Piercing Process

During the piercing process, a professional piercer will first clean your nose and mark the spots for the piercing. They’ll use a hollow needle to create the piercing, then insert the jewelry. Always go to an experienced piercer for a rhino piercing. It needs precise placement and angle, and an experienced piercer can do it right.

Pro Tip: Regularly clean your Rhino Piercing with saline solution and avoid touching it unnecessarily to significantly reduce infection risk and promote faster healing.

Rhino Piercing Types

There are also variations to the classic rhino piercing that you can consider:

Classic Rhino Piercing:

Single rhino piercings

As the fundamental and most common form of rhino piercing, classic rhino piercing involves a single puncture. This piercing is strategically positioned on one side of the nose, creating a bold yet balanced aesthetic statement.

Vertical Rhino Piercing

Rhino Piercings

The vertical rhino piercing, also known as a tip piercing, goes from the base to the tip of the nose. It’s vertical, not horizontal, with jewelry coming out at the nose tip. This piercing can really make you stand out. It’s a cool look, but it might feel strange at first. The tip of your nose is sensitive, so the piercing could cause discomfort. Like other piercings, good aftercare is vital.

Double Rhino Piercing

Double Rhino Piercings

Double rhino piercings involve two rhino piercings side by side or one above the other. This gives a more dramatic look, like two shiny dots in the middle of your face. It’s essential to get these piercings from an expert. They need to be lined up right, or they won’t look good. Also, two piercings mean double the aftercare.

Curved Rhino Piercing

Curved Rhino Piercings

A curved rhino piercing uses a curved barbell, not a straight one. This gives a unique aesthetic, as the jewelry curves with the shape of your nose. It’s a twist on the traditional rhino piercing. The curved barbell might feel more comfortable to some people. However, it might move more, which could slow down healing.

Deep Rhino Piercing:

A variant of the classic, the deep rhino piercing involves a puncture that goes deeper into the nasal tissue. This gives the jewelry a more embedded appearance, adding a distinct edge to your aesthetic ensemble.

Rhino Piercing Video Guide

Pros and Cons of Rhino Piercing

Just like any other form of body modification, rhino nose piercings have their pros and cons. Here are a few:


  1. Unique and Distinctive: Rhino piercings are less common than other nose piercings, making them a unique choice.
  2. Versatile Jewelry Options: This can accommodate a range of jewelry styles, allowing you to express your personal style.
  3. Bold Statement: Due to their placement, rhino piercings make a bold statement and can accentuate your features.


  1. Pain and Healing Time: Rhino piercings can be more painful than other types and require a longer healing time.
  2. Potential for Infection: Because of the location of the piercing, there is an increased risk of infection if not cared for properly.
  3. Inability to Hide: Unlike some piercings that can be hidden with certain jewelry, a rhino piercing is always visible.

The Pain Factor

How Much Does a Rhino Piercing Hurt?

Pain is a subjective experience, and the level of discomfort varies from person to person. Generally, rhino piercings are considered more painful than some other types of nose piercings due to their location. The needle pierces through the tip of the nose, which contains more nerve endings, thus increasing the pain level.

How to Deal with Piercing Pain

Fear not, though! There are ways to manage the pain. I recommend discussing pain management options with your professional piercer. They may suggest a numbing cream or spray to lessen the discomfort. Deep, controlled breathing can also help manage pain during the piercing process.

Healing and Aftercare

Healing Time

Healing times for rhino piercings vary depending on various factors such as your overall health, diet, and how well you adhere to the aftercare instructions. Typically, a rhino piercing may take anywhere from 6 months to a year to fully heal.

Cleaning and Aftercare

Aftercare is crucial for any piercing, and rhino piercings are no exception. Cleaning the piercing with a saline solution twice daily is a good practice. Always wash your hands before touching your piercing to avoid introducing bacteria to the area.

Products for Aftercare

There are numerous products on the market designed for piercing aftercare. Saline solutions are a popular choice due to their gentle yet effective cleaning properties.

Things to Avoid

During the healing period, avoid swimming in public pools or hot tubs, which can harbor bacteria. Also, try to avoid sleeping on your face, which could cause irritation or slow down the healing process.

Find out more about how to sleep with nose piercing

Cost of Rhino Piercings

Factors Affecting the Price

Several factors affect the cost of rhino piercings, including the location and reputation of the piercing studio, the experience of the piercer, and the type of jewelry you choose.

Average Costs Worldwide

While prices vary greatly worldwide, you can generally expect to pay between $40 to $100 for a rhino piercing. Remember, it’s essential to prioritize safety and quality over cost. Choosing a cheap, inexperienced piercer can lead to complications and unsatisfactory results.

Recommended Jewelry for Rhino Piercings

curved barbell jewelry for Rhino Piercing
curved barbell

I recommend the curved barbell as the primary choice for those sporting rhino piercings. Known for its snug fit and comfort, this unique piece perfectly complements the piercing’s location, enhancing your look in an instant.

The key to finding your ideal piece lies in understanding the dimensions – size, and gauge – which largely hinge on your personal preference and the professional piercer’s recommendation. Be sure to consult with your piercer for an optimal fit, ensuring a blend of style, comfort, and safety.

Recommended Materials for Jewelry

For rhino piercings, I recommend titanium or surgical steel. These materials are less likely to cause irritation or allergic reactions. They’re also durable and can withstand daily wear and tear

Jewelry is an essential part of your rhino piercing. It can add to your style and personal expression.

Where to Buy Quality Piercing Jewelry

There are many places to buy quality piercing jewelry. Some popular online platforms include Miami Jewelry Co, BodyArtForms, and Crazy Factory. You can also ask your professional piercer for recommendations.

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Risks and Complications

Deciding to get a rhino piercing is exciting, but it comes with risks. Understanding these can help you take care.

Common Risks


This can happen if the piercing isn’t cleaned well or touches bacteria.

Jewelry Rejection: 

This is when the body tries to push the jewelry out, seeing it as foreign.


Bad healing can cause scars or keloids.

Nerve Damage: 

Incorrect piercing can damage nerves. But this is rare.

Septal Hematoma: 

This is rare too. It’s when blood gathers in the nose. It needs quick medical attention.

Avoiding Risks

Choose a Professional Piercer:

Go to a professional. They should use a sterile, one-use needle. This lowers infection risk.

Follow Aftercare Rules:

Follow the rules for aftercare. This helps to heal and lowers risks.

Look for Infection Signs:

Watch for signs of infection like redness, swelling, pain, or discharge. If you see these, get medical help.

Rhino Nose Piercing vs Septum Piercing

A Rhino Piercing passes through the tip of the nose, while a Septum Piercing is done on the soft part in the middle of the nostrils. Rhino can be more painful due to the denser cartilage and generally have a longer healing time of around 6 to 9 months. In contrast, Septum Piercings typically heal faster, in about 6 to 8 weeks.

Rhino Nose Piercing vs Nostril Piercing

Nostril Piercings are made on the side of the nose and are generally less painful than Rhino. The healing time for a Nostril Piercing is also less, often around 2 to 4 months, while a Rhino nose Piercing may take 6 to 9 months to heal fully.

Rhino Nose Piercing vs Bridge Piercing

Bridge Piercings are done on the bridge of the nose, between the eyes. This type of piercing is usually less painful than Rhino Piercing as it doesn’t penetrate cartilage. The healing time for a Bridge Piercing is around 8 to 12 weeks, much less than the 6 to 9 months typically required for a Rhino Piercing.



How painful is a rhino piercing?

It can cause moderate to high pain. This is because the needle goes through a dense part of the nose. But remember, pain is subjective and varies from person to person.

What does a rhino piercing mean?

Rhino piercings don’t have a universal symbolic meaning. They’re a form of self-expression. Some people choose them for aesthetic reasons, while others might associate personal meanings with them.

How long does it take for a rhino piercing to heal?

It typically take about 6 to 9 months to heal fully. It’s important to follow aftercare instructions to promote faster healing and avoid infections.

What are the benefits of a nose piercing on the left side?

Nose piercing on the left side doesn’t have proven benefits. But in Ayurveda, an ancient Indian medicine system, it’s believed to ease childbirth and menstrual pain.

Can I get a rhino piercing if I have a deviated septum?

While it’s possible to get a rhino piercing with a deviated septum, it’s crucial to consult with a professional piercer who can assess your situation individually.

How can I reduce the risk of infection with my rhino piercing?

Follow the aftercare instructions provided by your piercer, keep the area clean, and avoid touching it unnecessarily. If you suspect an infection, seek medical attention promptly.

Can I change the jewelry myself once the piercing has healed?

Yes, you can change the jewelry yourself once the piercing has fully healed. However, if you’re uncertain, it’s best to have it changed by a professional.

Can I go swimming after getting a rhino piercing?

It’s recommended to avoid swimming, especially in public pools or seawater, during the initial healing period as it can increase the risk of infection.


In conclusion, rhino piercings are a unique and bold choice for body modification enthusiasts. Despite the potential for increased pain and longer healing times, the distinctive appearance it offers can make it well worth it for the right individual.

By understanding the process, pain management, healing time, appropriate aftercare, cost, and potential risks, you can make an informed decision about whether a rhino piercing is right for you.

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