Dolphin Bites Piercing Guide: Myths, Pain, Cost, FAQs & Aftercare Tips

Dolphin Bites Piercing

Ever been captivated by the intriguing Dolphin Bites Piercing on social media and wondered, “Could I pull that off?” Along with its allure come tales of discomfort, myths, and cost uncertainties. That’s where I step in. In this comprehensive guide, I’ll:

  • Debunk myths and set the record straight about pain.
  • Outline the piercing process and vital aftercare.
  • Share insights on the healing timeline.
  • Highlight stunning jewelry options and styling tips.

By journey’s end, you’ll be well-armed with knowledge, ready to make an informed decision. Dive in and discover the Dolphin Bites Piercing like never before.


Before diving into the specifics, it’s always cool to know where trends start. Piercings? They’ve been around for ages. From symbols of royalty to signs of bravery, they’ve meant a lot.

The Rise of Dolphin Bites

Although not ancient like some, dolphin bites have a story. They got big in the late 90s and early 2000s. Offering a fresh twist to lip piercings, they became a favorite.

Dolphin Bites Piercing

Myths and Truths

Got a popular trend? You’ll have myths. Dolphin bites are no exception.

Common Misconceptions

Some believe dolphin bites are super painful. Others think they’re a fleeting fad. Here, I’ll spill the real tea.

Truth About Their Name

Nope, they’re not inspired by actual dolphins. The name? It’s just about the look and placement. Many adore how they give a symmetrical charm to the face.

Complications and How to Avoid Them

Like anything worth doing, there are risks. But with the right steps, they’re manageable.

Possible Issues

Beyond the usual risks like infection, there’s more. Dolphin bites could lead to swelling. In some cases, scars. And remember, constant rubbing against teeth or gums isn’t great.

Staying Safe with Dolphin Bites

Always pick a pro piercer. Good start, right? Next, follow their advice. Clean the piercing, avoid certain foods early on, and watch for signs of issues.

The Pain Factor: What to Expect

Here’s the big question: does it hurt? Well, pain varies from person to person.

The Dolphin Bites Experience

Many describe the feeling as a quick pinch. It might be sharp, but it’s over fast. And for a cool look? Many think it’s worth it.

How Much Does Dolphin Bites Piercing Cost?

When diving into the world of dolphin bites piercings, one of the first things people often ask me is about the cost. On average, you’re looking at a range of $40 to $90 for the piercing itself. But let’s dive deeper into what might influence that price tag.

Factors That Influence the Price

A few things can change the cost of dolphin bites piercing:

  1. Location: Are you in a bustling city or a quiet town? Prices can differ.
  2. Studio Reputation: Established places with a long history might charge more. But there’s comfort in experience.
  3. Jewelry Choice: The basic jewelry that comes with the piercing might be on the cheaper side. But if you’re eyeing that fancy titanium or gold piece, be ready to spend a tad more.

How Much Does Dolphin Bites Piercing Hurt?

When I mention dolphin bites piercings in conversations, the intrigue is almost always followed by the question: “But does it hurt a lot?” Pain, being subjective, varies from person to person, but I can give you a more nuanced view.

The Sensation in Perspective

To paint a clearer picture, think about when you accidentally bite the inside of your lip while eating. It’s an unexpected sting, right? Getting dolphin bites might feel somewhat similar but intensified for a brief moment. Some have compared the sensation to the snap of a rubber band against the skin. It’s sharp, but it’s fleeting.

Factors Influencing Pain

  1. Individual Pain Threshold: Some of us wince at the tiniest pinch, while others might barely flinch during an entire tattoo session. It’s all about your personal tolerance.
  2. Piercer’s Technique: A seasoned piercer with a steady hand and swift technique can make a world of difference in the pain department. It’s one of the reasons why selecting an experienced professional is essential.
  3. State of Mind: Believe it or not, your mental state plays a role. If you’re relaxed and calm, the pain can feel more manageable. On the flip side, if you’re anxious, your body might amplify the discomfort.

The Aftermath: Initial Days Post-Piercing

Post-piercing, it’s common to feel a dull, throbbing sensation in the pierced area for a few days. It’s your body’s way of saying, “Hey, something new happened here!” This feeling, combined with some swelling, is natural. The intensity again depends on individual reactions and aftercare practices.

Personal Accounts and Stories

Over the years, I’ve heard a spectrum of experiences. Some say, “It was a breeze! Over in seconds!” while others might admit, “It was a sharp pain, but only for a moment. Totally worth it.” One common thread? Most believe the end result — a stylish, standout piercing — made the brief discomfort worth it.

Dolphin Bites Piercing – Video Procedure

Dolphin Bites Piercing Procedure – Step-by-Step Guide

Deciding on a dolphin bites piercing is thrilling, but knowing what to expect can calm any nerves. Here’s a glimpse into the journey you’re about to embark on.

A Step-by-Step Walkthrough


Before anything happens, a chat with your piercer is a must. Discuss any concerns, ask about jewelry options, and get an understanding of the process.

Preliminary Marking:

Using a medical-grade marker, the piercer will pinpoint where the piercings will go. You’ll get a chance to see and adjust if needed.


Both your lower lip area and the piercer’s hands undergo a thorough cleaning. This step is crucial to prevent infections.


With a sterilized needle, the piercer will swiftly create the piercing. It’s quick, lasting only seconds.

Inserting the Jewelry:

Once the piercing is done, the initial jewelry (usually a labret stud) is inserted.


The area is cleaned again, ensuring no residual blood or marking ink remains.

Aftercare Instructions:

Your piercer will provide detailed guidelines on how to care for your new piercing.

The Healing Journey

Everyone’s body is different, but healing generally follows a predictable path.

Timeline and What Signs to Look For

  1. Initial Days (1-7 days): Swelling and redness are natural. You might feel a dull, throbbing sensation.
  2. Intermediate Phase (1-2 months): Redness reduces, but you might notice a whitish liquid (lymph) forming a crust around the piercing. It’s a part of healing.
  3. Final Stages (3-6 months): The external part looks healed, but remember, the tissue inside might still be mending. Be gentle.

Note: Total healing can take anywhere from 3 to 6 months. Always consult with your piercer before making any changes to your jewelry.

Dolphin Bites Aftercare: Nurturing Your New Piercing

A piercing is a commitment, and its aftercare is a crucial part of the journey.

Detailed Guidelines to Ensure a Smooth Recovery

  1. Cleanse with Care: Use a saline solution (salt water mix) twice a day to gently cleanse the area.
  2. Avoid Touching: Our hands carry bacteria. Unless you’re cleaning, hands off!
  3. Eat Mindfully: Spicy or hot foods can irritate the piercing. Opt for cool, easy-to-eat foods initially.
  4. Oral Hygiene: Maintain good oral hygiene. Rinse with non-alcoholic mouthwash after meals.
  5. Avoid Swimming: Pools and hot tubs harbor bacteria that can delay healing.
  6. Be Gentle: Avoid any forceful movements like biting the lip or playing with the piercing.
  7. Mind Your Sleep: If possible, try sleeping on your back to avoid putting pressure on the piercing.
  8. Watch for Infections: Persistent redness, dark yellow pus, or severe pain could be warning signs. Consult your piercer or a doctor if you suspect an infection.
men Dolphin Bites Piercing

Dolphin Bites Piercing Jewelry Selection:

When you opt for a dolphin bite piercing, the world of jewelry becomes your oyster. It’s more than just a piece of metal; it’s a reflection of your personality and style.

From Minimalist to Statement Pieces

  1. Material Choices: Whether you prefer hypoallergenic titanium, luxurious gold, or durable surgical steel, there’s a material that aligns with both your style and skin sensitivity.
  2. Design Elements: From simple studs to intricate designs, choose pieces that resonate with your aesthetic. Gemstones, engraved patterns, or even tiny charms can add a touch of uniqueness.
  3. Fit: A snug fit is essential. Too tight and it may cause discomfort; too loose and there’s risk of snagging. Always consult your piercer for the perfect fit.

Variations and Styling Guide

Dolphin bites are adaptable, making them a fantastic canvas for self-expression.

Different Takes on Dolphin Bites

  1. Spacing: Adjust the space between the piercings for a personalized look. Closer or wider, it’s up to you.
  2. Multiple Piercings: Some enthusiasts choose to layer multiple piercings around the dolphin bites for a more intricate design.

Styling Your Piercing

  1. Makeup Tactics:
    • Lip Focus: Use a bold lip color to draw attention to the piercing, creating a dramatic contrast.
    • Subtle Charm: A nude or soft pink lip shade with a hint of gloss can enhance the shimmer of your jewelry without overpowering it.
    • Highlighting: A dab of highlighter just above the piercing can accentuate its placement, making it pop.
  2. Accessorizing:
    • Harmonize with Earrings: Choose earrings that mirror the style of your dolphin bites jewelry. A pair of minimalist hoops or studs can create a harmonious look.
    • Neckpieces: Layered necklaces or chokers can balance the overall look when paired with the lower facial piercing.
    • Hair and Piercing: Consider hairstyles that spotlight your piercing. A sleek bun or a side-parted look can draw attention directly to your lips.
  3. Seasonal Styles: In summer, pair your dolphin bites with breezy off-shoulder tops to balance the focus. In colder months, turtle necks offer a beautiful contrast, making your piercing stand out.
  4. Mood Boards: Create style mood boards with inspirations from fashion magazines, social media, and piercing forums. This will help you visualize different looks and combinations before settling on one.

Comparative Analysis: Dolphin Bites vs. Other Lip Piercings

At first glance, all lip piercings may seem alike. But delve a little deeper, and their distinct identities emerge.

  1. Aesthetic Appeal: While dolphin bites have a symmetrical charm, piercings like the labret or Monroe have their unique allure.
  2. Pain Levels: Dolphin bites might be on par with snake bites, but might hurt less than a vertical labret.
  3. Healing Time: Depending on the placement, some lip piercings heal faster than others.
  4. Maintenance: Some piercings require more rigorous aftercare due to their location.


What is a dolphin bite piercing?

A dolphin bites piercing consists of two piercings placed side by side on the lower lip, slightly away from the center, offering a symmetrical and striking look.

Why is it called dolphin bites?

The name “dolphin bites” is a whimsical nod to the appearance of two small punctures or ‘bites’ made side-by-side on the lower lip, reminiscent of what one might imagine if a friendly dolphin were to give a gentle nibble.

How often should dolphin bites jewelry be changed?

Once the initial healing period is over (typically 6 to 8 weeks), you can change your dolphin bites jewelry. However, frequent changes aren’t recommended as it can irritate the piercing. After the first change, it’s advisable to wait several weeks between subsequent changes.

Can dolphin bites piercings leave noticeable scars if removed?

Any piercing can potentially leave a scar once removed. With dolphin bites, if proper aftercare was followed and there were no complications, any scarring would typically be minimal. However, everyone’s skin heals differently, so some individuals might notice small scars where the piercings were.

Is it possible to have a double dolphin bites piercing?

Yes, it’s possible! A double dolphin bites piercing means having two piercings on each side of the lower lip instead of just one. This style is bolder and offers more space for jewelry variation.

How to differentiate between normal healing and an infected piercing?

Normal healing may involve slight redness, some swelling, and a clear or whitish liquid (lymph) oozing from the piercing. In contrast, signs of infection include prolonged redness, warmth at the piercing site, yellow or green discharge, a foul odor, excessive swelling, and persistent pain.

What’s the most recommended jewelry material for fresh piercings?

For fresh piercings, implant-grade titanium, surgical steel, niobium, and solid 14k or 18k gold are the most recommended materials. These are hypoallergenic and least likely to cause allergic reactions or irritations.


The dolphin bites piercing is more than just a trend; it’s a statement, an identity. While the journey from piercing chair to fully healed can be a test of patience, the result is a piece of art that is uniquely yours. As with any piercing, knowledge, preparation, and care can make all the difference. So, are you ready to make a splash with dolphin bites?

Further Reading for Piercing Enthusiasts:

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