How to Clean a Septum Piercing: Step-by-Step Guide to Prevent Infections


A septum piercing is a stylish statement, but what happens when it turns into a painful problem?

Many overlook the importance of proper cleaning, leading to infections that can mar the piercing’s appeal and threaten your health

Think of the swelling, redness, and discomfort of an infected piercing

Fret not, for this guide is your lifesaver!

Our comprehensive step-by-step guide to cleaning a septum piercing is designed to empower you with knowledge and confidence to maintain your piercing’s beauty while safeguarding your health. From understanding the very essence of a septum piercing to expert tips for maintenance, our guide is packed with valuable insights.

Here’s a sneak peek into what you’ll find:

  • What makes septum piercings so special and why cleaning them properly is essential?
  • Essential tools and products to have at your fingertips.
  • Video demonstrations for the visually inclined.
  • Signs of infection and immediate steps to take.

Say goodbye to worries and uncertainties and embrace your septum piercing with pride and assurance. Dive in, and let’s embark on this journey to ensure that your septum piercing is a statement of style, not a source of stress!

Related: How Much Does a Septum Piercing Cost

What Is a Septum Piercing?

A septum piercing is a piercing that passes through the nasal septum at the middle of the nose. It’s often seen adorned with various jewelry styles and has become a trendy and unique way to express oneself.

Popular Styles

From simple rings to ornate jewelry, septum piercings come in various styles. These include captive bead rings, circular barbells, and even custom designs. What’s your style?

Pain Level

Worried about the pain? While everyone’s pain tolerance is different, many reports that a septum piercing is no more painful than other types of piercings. A skilled professional can make the process smooth and relatively pain-free.

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The Importance of Proper Cleaning the Septum Piercing

Infection Prevention

You wouldn’t neglect a cut or scrape, would you? A septum piercing is no different. Proper cleaning prevents infections, promotes healing, and helps to avoid scarring and other complications.

Longevity of Piercing

Regular cleaning ensures that your piercing lasts and continues to look its best. It keeps the jewelry from tarnishing and maintains the piercing hole’s integrity.

Comfort and Aesthetics

Cleanliness equals comfort. By keeping your septum piercing clean, you’ll avoid unpleasant smells, irritation, and discomfort that can occur from buildup and neglect.

Tools and Products Required


You’ll need a few basic tools to clean your septum piercing. These include cotton swabs, a gentle cloth, and perhaps tweezers for careful handling. Simplicity is key here.


The right products can make or break the cleaning process. Stick to saline solutions, mild soaps, and antibacterial creams that are safe for piercings.

Safety Considerations

Always make sure that the tools and products are clean and specifically designed for piercing care. Avoid alcohol and harsh chemicals that can irritate the piercing.

Related: How to Put in a Septum Ring

How to Clean a Cleaning a Septum Piercing – Video Guide


Step-by-Step Guide to Cleaning a Septum Piercing

Pre-cleaning Preparation

Before you start the cleaning process, you need to make sure everything is ready to go.

  1. Wash Your Hands: Always start by washing your hands with antibacterial soap to prevent introducing new bacteria to the piercing.
  2. Prepare Your Cleaning Solutions: Depending on the method you choose, have your cleaning solution ready.
  3. Gather Your Tools: Cotton swabs, gentle cloth, and tweezers if needed.
  4. Create a Comfortable Environment: Have good lighting and a mirror if needed.

Method 1: Saline Solution Cleaning Process

A saline solution is gentle and ideal for cleaning piercings.

Daily Cleaning During the Healing Phase

  1. Dip a Cotton Swab into Saline Solution: Make sure it’s soaked but not dripping.
  2. Gently Clean Around the Piercing: Carefully swab around the piercing, including the jewelry.
  3. Rinse with Warm Water: Make sure to remove all the saline solution.
  4. Pat Dry: Use a soft cloth or tissue to gently pat dry.
  5. Repeat Daily: During the healing phase, this should be done every day.

Long-term Care

  1. Clean Weekly with Saline Solution: Even after healing, a weekly cleaning helps maintain the piercing.

Method 2: Mild Soap Cleaning Process

Mild soap can be an alternative to saline solution, especially if you prefer a foamier cleaning process.

Daily Cleaning During the Healing Phase

  1. Create a Mild Soap Solution: Mix a piercing-friendly soap with warm water.
  2. Apply with a Cotton Swab: Gently swab the piercing and jewelry.
  3. Rinse Thoroughly with Warm Water: Ensure no soap residue remains.
  4. Pat Dry with a Gentle Cloth: Avoid any rough materials that may snag.
  5. Repeat Daily: Continue this daily during the healing phase.

Long-term Care

  1. Clean Weekly with Mild Soap: Keep up the good work with weekly cleanings.

Aftercare: Daily and Long-term

Daily Aftercare

  • Apply Antibacterial Cream If Needed: A thin layer can help prevent infection.
  • Avoid Touching the Piercing with Dirty Hands: It might be tempting, but resist the urge.

Long-term Aftercare

  • Avoid Harsh Environments: Like chlorinated swimming pools during the healing phase.
  • Be Mindful of Allergies: If you notice any irritation, it could be a reaction to the jewelry material.
  • Regular Inspection: Keep an eye out for signs of infection or other issues.

Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Common Mistakes

  1. Overcleaning: Believe it or not, cleaning too often can cause irritation.
  2. Using Harsh Chemicals: Alcohol and other strong chemicals can damage the skin.
  3. Playing with the Piercing: Constant fiddling can delay healing.
  4. Ignoring Signs of Infection: Neglecting early signs can lead to serious complications.

How to Avoid Them

  1. Follow a Routine: Stick to the cleaning schedule recommended by your piercer.
  2. Use Appropriate Products: Opt for saline solutions and mild soaps.
  3. Be Patient: Allow the piercing to heal without unnecessary touching.
  4. Pay Attention to Your Body: Know the signs of infection and respond accordingly.

Expert Opinions

Professionals in the piercing industry emphasize the importance of following proper aftercare guidelines and seeking help if something seems off. They often suggest being patient with the healing process and consulting a professional if you have any concerns.

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Signs of Infection and What to Do

Signs of Infection

  1. Increased Redness and Swelling: Some swelling is normal, but if it increases, it’s a warning sign.
  2. Pus or Unusual Discharge: Any green or foul-smelling discharge is a definite red flag.
  3. Persistent Pain: If the pain continues or worsens, it might indicate an infection.

What to Do If Infected

  1. Do Not Remove the Jewelry: Removing it can cause the hole to close and trap the infection.
  2. Clean with Saline Solution: Continue to clean gently without overdoing it.
  3. Consult a Healthcare Provider: If symptoms persist, seek medical advice.

When to Seek Professional Help

Don’t hesitate to seek professional help if you notice signs of infection or if you’re uncertain about the healing process. Early intervention can prevent further complications.

Expert Tips for Septum Piercing Maintenance

Regular Maintenance

Maintain the beauty of your septum piercing with regular cleaning, even after it’s healed.

Expert Advice

  • Choose Jewelry Wisely: Opt for high-quality materials.
  • Avoid Irritants: Be mindful of makeup and other products near the piercing.

Seasonal Care

  • Winter Care: Keep it moisturized.
  • Summer Care: Be mindful of excessive sweating and swimming in chlorinated pools.


Can I Change My Jewelry During the Healing Phase?

It’s best to wait until fully healed.

How Long Does It Take for a Septum Piercing to Heal?

Typically, 6-8 weeks.

Is It Normal for the Piercing to Itch?

Some itching is normal, but persistent itching might indicate an issue.

Can I Use Regular Soap to Clean the Piercing?

Always use piercing-friendly products.


Cleaning and caring for a septum piercing doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With the right knowledge and care, you can enjoy your piercing without complications. Remember, each person’s experience is unique, so listen to your body, follow these guidelines, and don’t hesitate to consult with professionals. Your piercing is a beautiful expression of who you are, so take good care of it!


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